Wonderful Wednesday #160

{Those little rays of sunshine are happy-makers extraordinaires!}
How did we get here again already?!  Who can believe we're into the second week of March already?!? Remember when you were little and just Monday to Friday seemed like it lasted forever and the Summer holidays felt like a year?! Now it feels like barely a blink between each of these posts and the seven days that come between each one too.  

How are you?!  Are you feeling a little bit of the warmth of Spring wherever you might be?!  Are you snapping every daffodil, crocus or tiniest bit of green shoot or blue sky furiously like you've never encountered them before...?! Just me then.  Shall we get chit-chattin' about what's been jolly great about this week so far......?!

1.  Sunshine.  When i started to type this post out and began to ponder the things that had made my week good and great and just marvellous so far, sunshine was the very first thing that popped into my head.  There is NOTHING upon this whole wide world that sunshine cannot and will not fix or improve.  And better still, it's free!  And if you live in the northern part of our great country, you'll know how very precious it is and much it should be treasured.  So YEP, sunshine is the BEST.

2.  Behold the first hanging out of washing!  This time last year i didn't even have an outside space or any amount of one to call our own.  Fast forward a few months and i honestly don't know what i ever did without a little patch of garden.  I'm such a green bean.  If i feel stressed or just not myself, being in the great outdoors really does help fix me.  This week has been the very first time there's been any real warmth in the sunshine - or that there's been any that hasn't disappeared as fast as it has appeared.  On Monday of this week i hung out bedding and towels on our little washing line and it was a GLORIOUS feeling.  Even more glorious was the sweet smell that filled our little home later that night after hanging said laundry over the clothes airer to....air...?!?  Enough of the detail, just know it was GREAT.

3.  'Catastrophe.'  If you don't know what I'm wittering about then where on EARTH have you been?!  'Catastrophe' is written by Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney and it might be my favourite TV show at the moment.  It's a British comedy that's just laugh out loud funny and so relatable where relationships are concerned.  SUCH a well written and funny watch!  Go go!

4.  Tea. In the garden.  I know, i know just when you thought it really couldn't get anymore rock and roll around these parts, i drop the T-Bomb.....  I jest.  What doesn't taste better outside?!?  This week also heralded my first mug of tea sipped in our little garden.  Also on Monday afternoon whilst simultaneously 'tinkering' with my little bike:  Washing and quite simply faffing in the afternoon sun.

5.  Booking a couple of holiday days and bumping them on either side of my days off = genius.  I treasure the paid holiday days i get and somehow, running together just a couple of them craftily alongside the two days off i get has been just what i needed this week.  It's also helping that i seemed to have snagged the sunnier half of the week too....

6.  Not loving my hair.  Bear with me here for a moment.  Remember when you were a little younger and doing the wrong thing to your hair - cut, colour - you know the deal - well it was the end of the world.  I couldn't have imagined anything worse quite frankly.   Last week i had my hair trimmed.  Except on a whim as they asked me if i did just want the ends taken off {that's as adventurous as this lady usually gets} i confessed that i really was useless with getting it cut often enough and they asked it I'd like it a little shorter and i just sort of....went with it.     I instantly didn't like it and thanked every god up there that I'd worn a woolly hat anyway and promptly stuffed it on top of my hair as soon as i could afterwards.  It's been a week since and we're still not getting along.  It's nothing drastic it's just much shorter than i'm used to and well.....that's exactly it:  I'm not used to it.  But the groundbreaking part is that i sort of don't care.  I mean i care but it's not made me sad or un-confident orrrrrr well just the way it would have made me feel in the past.  And i like this me.  I like this me a lot!  It's my hair and I'm sure we'll work out how to work around each other and eventually get on but in the mean time, it's not the only thing i've got going on.  I'm okay with that for now.

7.  Avocado.  I know, you either love them or you hate them and i love them.  I'd just sort of neglected them for a while.  But this week i was bobbing into Sainsbury's and they caught my eye.  And suddenly all i could think about were soft poached eggs, salty spinach and avocado.  Is there anything more scrummy?!?  Turns out the 'Avo-Gods' were smiling down on me too since it was the most perfectly ripe and creamy avocado that there ever was.

8.  Sister-shaped catch ups.  Is there anything better than a marathon-shaped catch up that lasts hours upon hours with one of your favourite human beings in the whole wide world?!  The kind where you talk so much, laugh so much and cover so much that you go home feeling exhausted with a sore throat and a headache and don't even mind one bit!  It's cathartic, in a crazy sort of extreme way!

9.  A quiet house.  I mean i know there are only the two of us - heaven knows how I'd cope if there was more!  But there's something rather lovely about a still and quiet house:  All tidy and clean and just me, a mug of tea and nothing but the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind and a little birdsong.  Pretty much as lovely as it gets actually!

10.  Changing the label in my #wonderfulwednesday post to from 'Winter' to 'Spring.'  That's right I'm one of those people.  I actually did it for the first time last week - it being the 1st of March and all BUT forgot to document it.  Since it made my silly little heart giddy i thought I'd share.  I like labelling my #wonderfulwedensday s by season since a lot of what i count to be happy-making things are so season-specific. 

*  *  *
And we're done and dusted for another week!  Don't forget to skip right on over to   Jo, Helen, Michelle, Sarah, Kate, Cat, Sam, El , Kerri's, Mimmi's, Martina's , Peta's and {lovely NEW #wonderfulwednesday -er} Kelly's beautiful blogs to catch up on their weeks and what's been making them really rather wonderful!  Join in online with the chit-chat using the #wonderfulwednesday tag on Twitter and Instagram.  Allwaaaaayyysss i'm @sallytangle.