Currently 7

Whilst i ADORE a bright colour and even more, a bright print, these blustery GREY and long long days that seem to stretch out in front of us are making me inclined to cling on to a much softer, paler and GENTLE pallet.  There is something quite special about colours and the powers that they have to make you feel all kinds of things and this much softer collection just has me feeling all sorts of CALM.  

I feel like i am spending much more time inside than out and so i have been feeling sleepy, moving a little SLOWER and spending a lot of time simply curling up.  Wrapping up in rose-coloured and fabric softener scented over-sized cardigans, and TWISTING my blonde rats-tails ringlets haphazardly any-which way too.  Tea, tea and more milky, amber-ey tea has been sipped and many a book page has been turned.  Whilst i long for those longer days and for sunshine and all that is green, i am feeling RELAXED.  

What has been inspiring your PRETTY faces in such dull grey weather? How have you been keeping your spirits up?
(All images taken from my Pinterest HERE)